TeamXtreme WarZone Gaming Events
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Event occurs at : :
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(choose one)
Event happens one time on :   (yyyy/mm/dd)
Event happens daily   Date Range: (recurring events only)
Occurs indefinitely
Occurs over a date range
- Beginning date (yyyy/mm/dd)
- Ending date (yyyy/mm/dd)
Event happens weekly on :
Event happens monthly on : (dd)
Event happens yearly on : : Month (mm) 
: Day (dd)

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Top Overall Clubs
77.02 - `°»RnR«°´
60.62 - («7DS»)
54.59 - ]-TX-[
53.51 - -=TAG=-
42.85 - -]RC[-
Top Club Awards
  [1] `°»RnR«°´
[1] ]-TX-[
[1] («7DS»)
Top Overall Players
53.22 - Crysis
50.55 - Pride
47.60 - Flash
47.34 - EnDever
45.21 - SAMO
Top Player Awards
  [1] SAMO
[1] Pride
[1] Flash
[1] EnDever
[1] Crysis