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League of Legends

  Upcoming and Current Events (Battles, Ladders, and Tournaments)
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League of Legends on TX WarZone [4/4/2013]
News Update by: DC-17

Dear players,

The WarZone LoL area has been opened! If you wish to take part in the future ladders and tournaments, you can already sign up your teams.

The LoL forums are ready for use. Feel free to post your ideas and suggestions there, as well as share your experiences in the game. It is in these forums that we invite you to give feedback on tournaments hosted, and in what way they can be improved.

The WarZone LoL staff is currently composed as follows:

League of Legends Game Director

Dc-17 (dc17sniper)

League of Legends Battle Moderators

Numb ++ Hasero

Vash (doomedvash)
- TeamXtreme WarZone Administrator -

We are still looking for Battle Moderators. If such a spot interests you, feel free to send me an application via PM.

The very first WarZone LoL tournament is being organized and will start soon. In the meantime, prepare for fight!

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Event Staff
Game Director(s)
Game Moderator(s)
LoL Top Overall Clubs
LoL Top Overall Players
Top Overall Clubs
77.02 - `°»RnR«°´
60.62 - («7DS»)
54.59 - ]-TX-[
53.51 - -=TAG=-
42.85 - -]RC[-
Top Club Awards
  [1] `°»RnR«°´
[1] ]-TX-[
[1] («7DS»)
Top Overall Players
53.22 - Crysis
50.55 - Pride
47.60 - Flash
47.34 - EnDever
45.21 - SAMO
Top Player Awards
  [1] SAMO
[1] Pride
[1] Flash
[1] EnDever
[1] Crysis