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Rep. Commando CTF

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Galaxy In Chaos I [28/4/2013]
News Update by: Vash

With the Galactic War III at it's end, the Republic has taken a lot of damage. Damage on a huge scale. From Coruscant to the Outerrim Systems, cities have fallen, Governments have been overthrown. In order to maintain peace and gain back the order, the republican council has chosen a few War-torn Commando teams. Their mission:
Bring back the order and maintain peace in the Galaxy by collecting all flag points which where scattered all over the Galaxy. Your team is one of the chosen Commando teams to bring back honour and order to the Galaxy. This is an opportunity for your Commandos to rise together with the New Republic. Win and collect as many flag points you can get and maybe your team will dominate the flag points and be the victorious out of many teams!

Galaxy In Chaos I will be a clanbased Capture The Flag battle. Every clan is allowed to sign up at the WarZone website. If you have problems with the website or the tournament itself, feel free to contact a WarZone Battle Moderator.
Signups are opened from 2013-05-01 12:00 AM GMT+1 until 2013-05-09 12:00 AM GMT+1.

Make sure you signup your clan during the signup time.
You cannot signup a clan while the battle is running! Single players can still join their already signed up clan even after signups have been closed.

Galaxy In Chaos I will start friday, the 10th of May 2013 at 12.00 AM GMT+1. The battle will end after one week, on the 17th of May 2013 at 12.00 AM GMT+1.

May the force will be with you! ;-)

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RCCTF Top Overall Clubs
0.00 - ]-TX-[
0.00 - -OG-
RCCTF Top Overall Players
Top Overall Clubs
77.02 - `°»RnR«°´
60.62 - («7DS»)
54.59 - ]-TX-[
53.51 - -=TAG=-
42.85 - -]RC[-
Top Club Awards
  [1] `°»RnR«°´
[1] ]-TX-[
[1] («7DS»)
Top Overall Players
53.22 - Crysis
50.55 - Pride
47.60 - Flash
47.34 - EnDever
45.21 - SAMO
Top Player Awards
  [1] SAMO
[1] Pride
[1] Flash
[1] EnDever
[1] Crysis