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Summoner Week 1 [2014-02-18]
News Update by: Drift

Dear All,

TeamXtreme welcomes you to its first ever Global EuW League of Legends Tournament. Matches will be played as a teambased 5v5 on Summoner's Rift.
Signups are now open until the 23:59 GMT+1 of the 23rd of March.
Matches will begin at 12:00 AM GMT+1 of the 24th of March and continue until 23:59 of the 31st of March.

Current moderators are:
Numb and Hasero

If you wish to become a moderator please contact me via PM.

Galaxy In Chaos I [2013-04-28]
News Update by: Vash

With the Galactic War III at it's end, the Republic has taken a lot of damage. Damage on a huge scale. From Coruscant to the Outerrim Systems, cities have fallen, Governments have been overthrown. In order to maintain peace and gain back the order, the republican council has chosen a few War-torn Commando teams. Their mission:
Bring back the order and maintain peace in the Galaxy by collecting all flag points which where scattered all over the Galaxy. Your team is one of the chosen Commando teams to bring back honour and order to the Galaxy. This is an opportunity for your Commandos to rise together with the New Republic. Win and collect as many flag points you can get and maybe your team will dominate the flag points and be the victorious out of many teams!

Galaxy In Chaos I will be a clanbased Capture The Flag battle. Every clan is allowed to sign up at the WarZone website. If you have problems with the website or the tournament itself, feel free to contact a WarZone Battle Moderator.
Signups are opened from 2013-05-01 12:00 AM GMT+1 until 2013-05-09 12:00 AM GMT+1.

Make sure you signup your clan during the signup time.
You cannot signup a clan while the battle is running! Single players can still join their already signed up clan even after signups have been closed.

Galaxy In Chaos I will start friday, the 10th of May 2013 at 12.00 AM GMT+1. The battle will end after one week, on the 17th of May 2013 at 12.00 AM GMT+1.

May the force will be with you! ;-)

WarPack 8 CTF I - Cancelled [2013-04-17]
News Update by: Vash

Dear visitors and SWRC players,

due to the huge lack of activity I have decided to cancel the RC CTF event "WarPack 8 CTF I".

In the last two weeks, the (EU) community was pretty much inactive. The absence of a big part of the American community made the "full inactivity" complete.

WP8 is still pretty popular as what I've seen, but if people don't want to play the game in general, a tourney can't be played.

I think one of the main reasons is that school/college started for many of us in the last two weeks.

Before I even think about announcing the next event, I'd like to collect your opinion to avoid the same problem in upcoming events.

Every RC player, please post your opinion here:

League of Legends on TX WarZone [2013-04-04]
News Update by: DC-17

Dear players,

The WarZone LoL area has been opened! If you wish to take part in the future ladders and tournaments, you can already sign up your teams.

The LoL forums are ready for use. Feel free to post your ideas and suggestions there, as well as share your experiences in the game. It is in these forums that we invite you to give feedback on tournaments hosted, and in what way they can be improved.

The WarZone LoL staff is currently composed as follows:

League of Legends Game Director

Dc-17 (dc17sniper)

League of Legends Battle Moderators

Numb ++ Hasero

Vash (doomedvash)
- TeamXtreme WarZone Administrator -

We are still looking for Battle Moderators. If such a spot interests you, feel free to send me an application via PM.

The very first WarZone LoL tournament is being organized and will start soon. In the meantime, prepare for fight!

WarPack 8.0 released! [2013-03-19]
News Update by: Vash

Hello everyone,

it took a lot of time, but after a couple of months I'm glad to be able to announce the release of WarPack 8 today!

The new version includes way more content than any previous release and is adding a couple of completely new features to the game, in order to make a new game experience possible.

I am not going to announce all changes now, but the most important ones.


Obviously new maps are included, for the first time we could even get the NG clan aboard to provide some of their maps
A few bugs on older maps have been fixed
Completely new weapons were added
Smoke and flash grenades were added
This includes new projectiles and kill messages
New teams have been created, Empire and Rebel Alliances
Due to that, new voices files were created (Empire scored, Rebels haven taken our flag)
The HUD has been changed and new textures were used, also in other parts of the game
We created an updater so we can easily add content or fix bugs! So you do not have to redownload a whole WP ever again!
... and a lot more!

How to install and use
Step 1: Download the setup.
Step 2: WarPack 8 has to be installed into the MAIN SWRC directory and NOT INTO GAMEDATA. The setup should detect your SWRC installation, please do NOT install it into GameData as you are used to it from previous releases (or as it says in the installer, this is a mistake), this would be the RIGHT path: C:\Program Files\Lucas Arts\Star Wars Republic Commando
Step 3: Afterwards the setup is going to start the new WarPack Updater, this updater is going to scan the WP server for new/changed files. This updater is going to be used to release new content in the future or to fix bugs!
Step 4: Now you can either launch the game from the TeamXtreme WarPack 8 icon on your desktop, or with the WarPack 8 icon in the start menu folder of Star Wars Republic Commando.

The download link and further help can be found on the WarPack website, check the download area and the FAQ/Contact sites.

Enjoy it!

Thanks for everyone who was supporting and helping us with the new WarPack - we appreciate your help!

Downtime [2013-03-11]
News Update by: Vash

Hello everyone! Welcome back on the WarZone.

I'm very sorry for the downtime of my server. Unfortunately my server provider does not support at weekends so I had to wait until monday. It seemed like software related problem. A reboot of the server has solved it.

Everyone who played matches during the absence of this website, please submit them now using your previously saved screenshots. Thank you!

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